Friday, 17 May 2019

My Haiku

My haiku. (High~coo)
I think poetry is super fun,especialy haikus. To write a haiku you need to know what sylables are. A haiku is a three line poem. Here is the patern of a haiku.

Line 1: 5 sylables
Line 2: 7 sylables
Line 3: 5 sylables

When you have time maybe try wrting your own!

By: Madie O

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

My Cinquain poem

Today we were writing ANZAC cinquain poems.
Here is the patteren for a cinquain.
Line 1: 1 word title Title
Line 2: 2 adjectives
Line 3: 3 verbs ending in ING
Line 4: 4 word sentance
Line 5: 1 word to describe the title
One thing I found challenging was thinking of a four word sentance. The fun thing was thinking of difernt words to descibe ANZAC.